Tuned Gong Rental
We offer the finest Tuned Thai Gongs available anywhere. There's a reason our gongs have resonated in nearly every major orchestra hall and opera house in the country.
We offer over 4 octaves of Tuned Thai Gongs: A1-C6
Contact us for individual tuned gong rental pricing.
American notation:
C2 is 2 ledger lines below the bass clef.
C3 is 2nd space bass clef
C4 is 1 ledge line below treble clef
C5 is 3rd space treble clef
C6 is 2 ledger lines above the treble clef
European notation:
C (Big C) is 2 ledger lines below the bass clef.
c (small C) is 2nd space bass clef
c1 or c' (middle c) is 1 ledge line below treble clef
c2 or c'' is 3rd space treble clef
c3 or c''' is 2 ledger lines above the treble clef